Justin, Jill, Jason and Jeffrey

Justin, Jill, Jason and Jeffrey

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jason (some observations):

  • has selective hearing - if he is playing and does not want to be bothered at that moment he will either ignore you or say "Not yet."
  • is extremely polite - Me "Jason, would you like to go take a bath?" Him "No thank you Mommy."
  • loves to play with puzzles.
  • loves words that make make a noise, or onomatopoeia; he gets the biggest kick out of words like SPLASH, BOOM, CRASH, PLOP, BANG, KAPOW!
  • has earned many nicknames: Monkey, Silly Goose, Bud, Buddy.
  • will always smile if you say "Whatever you do don't smile!" when he has gotten kind of in a funk. He will put his hand over his mouth and try to cover it up, but he will smile, and chances are his funk is nearly over.
  • really likes to do things by himself - put toothpaste on his toothbrush, screw the lid on his cup, press the buttons on the microwave, turn the TV off with the remote, shut the car door.
  • would eat his weight in M&Ms if given the chance.
  • was very brave when we went to take pictures with Santa this year, he started to get a little scared, but pulled it together to take a picture, get a candy cane and ask Santa for a firetruck.
  • still has a voracious appetite for reading books, he will grab a stack and just flip through them, and always wants to read at least 2 stories before bed.
  • likes to go to the doctor.
  • is a very good eater, and will usually try new things if encouraged. his favorite thing to see after trying something new is "that's not so bad."
  • loves asking his Papaw "Are you talkin' to me?" a la de Niro; this is one of the movie lines he and Papaw recite to each other.
  • loves playing with Hot Wheels.
  • is very concerned about traffic signals, he yells stop when he sees a red light, and does not believe us when we tell him it is legal to turn right on red in most instances as long as you stop first.
  • likes to sing songs to himself, sometimes we recognize the songs, other times we're pretty sure he is making them up; he also likes to sing songs with me that I have made up. We have a couple that we sing after bath time most nights, its our own special little ritual to get ready for bed.
  • has a very vivid imagination - he gives voices to his toys and has them interact with each other, sometimes they fight, other times they are friends, sometimes they are happy, sometimes they are sad, etc. It is so fun to watch him play.
  • has a very inquisitive mind and is always asking what things are called, he is extremely talkative too.
  • likes to play games - one of our favorite games in the car is to guess what cargo an 18-wheeler might be carrying. "What do you think might be in that truck Jason?" Some of his replies have been marshmallows, trash cans , Christmas trees, books, bubbles, purple crayons.
Jason really is such a happy child. I feel so blessed to have him as my own, and can hardly believe that it has already been over 3 years since his birth. As we get closer to adding another member to our family, I've really been spending a lot of time reflecting on the past 3 years, all the special memories we've made, and how much our life has changed for the better. I am really excited to enter into another stage of our journey and look forward to all the new and wonderful things to come. I know he is going to be a wonderful big brother!